Built on Bootstrap 3.x - performs beautifully on any device.
Change your site's entire color scheme with one click.
Choose the one that best suits your logo and color scheme.
Fully customize your homepage with eye-catching designs in just a few clicks.
Choose the one that best suits your logo and color scheme.
See a quick preview of the product without leaving your collection page.
Add product videos from YouTube or Vimeo right to your product gallery!
Built-in support for Shopify's free product reviews app.
Set a product image for each variant and watch them change in the gallery and cart page.
Google Rich Snippets and Facebook Open Graph support is built right in.
Show countdowns as captions on your homepage slider.
Show your products in two, three, or four columns, or choose list view.
Sort your products by any number of features.
Built-in contact form with beautifully-styled Google Map.
On home and product pages With eye-catching effects and animation.
Seemless newsletter integration with MailChimp.
Lots of customization options, not a lot of confusion.
We will respond to support requests quickly and courteously.